
investment from


Wagstaff Group receives investment from Chiltern Capital

- Exit deal

- February 2021

- Value: Undisclosed

Wagstaff is the UK's largest independent B2B furniture distributor

A competitive process led to competitive bids across trade acquirers and private equity investors

Investment obtained from Chiltern Capital enabled majority shareholders to exit in full

Client Background

Wagstaff is the UK’s leading blue-chip focused, commercial office furniture supply and fit-out specialist that offers a fully integrated, turn-key offering, from the point of design through to completion.

The Group operates nationally through its network of regional offices and distribution partners, employing c.100 people. Founded in 1903, Wagstaff has established an enviable position in the office furniture and fit-out market, having carved out a niche as the UK’s largest independent single source supplier of commercial furniture.

Wagstaff has forged a strong reputation in the industry based upon the quality of projects delivered, its high standards of client service and the calibre of its employees.

Wagstaff Group receives investment from Chiltern Capital
Wagstaff Group receives investment from Chiltern Capital

The Outcome

Through a competitive process, Wagstaff received a significant investment from Chiltern Capital to support its future growth plans whilst simultaneously enabling the majority shareholders to exit the business in full. The investment ensures that the Wagstaff values are upheld and the business can realise its exciting future prospects.

How we added value

Rickitt Mitchell supported the shareholders of Wagstaff through the sales process. By running a competitive process, the valuation achieved delivered maximum value to shareholders. A suitable partner for Wagstaff was also found in Chiltern Capital, ensuring the business grows from strength to strength.

"It was a pleasure in supporting the shareholders of Wagstaff in what was a very successful outcome. Chiltern Capital are suitable buyers and will be able to take Wagstaff to new levels through their industry knowledge and investment".

- Kaine Smith | Director | Rickitt Mitchell

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